
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Side of Ranch, Please

My parents moved to their little 80 acre ranch 4 years ago and it's been so fun to visit and get to play cowgirl!  They've added chickens to their repertoire of farm animals!!  Now instead of just going out and petting the horses and cows, I can go out and feed the chickens.  I've mentally named them against my dad's warning not to since the one breed of chickens will soon end up on the dinner table- but I can't help it.  There's one little chicken, Herald who is a total underdog.  Does anyone else just love the little underdogs like I do?  I have a special place in my heart for 'em.  Anyway, Herold is a runt chicken who was born with splayed legs.  Mom and dad fixed him by tying his legs together so he had to learn to keep them underneath him and it worked.  Now Herold can walk but he's still much smaller than the other chickens and oh, by the way he is just about bald.  It doesn't help as I'm trying not to think of these chickens being my dinner, but this chicken already looks like he is oven ready without any feathers.  Riley loves going out in the chicken house and we get plenty of entertainment just watching them cluck and scratch.

Some of the scenery here is just gorgeous.  Small town, farm country, refreshing.  Here's my 5 minute photo shoot with the kids on Easter Sunday.  I'd like to get out and take a little more time, but with how fast they move and how quickly moods change, I don't see that happening this year.

I'll have to post Scarlett in a separate post since the computer's acting up.


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