
Friday, December 28, 2007

Little Post, Big News

At the start of this new 2008 year, I make official what John and I just learned a month ago. 2008 will be a life changing year for us, as we will be new parents in late summer- August 8th to be precise. The news was a shock to us, since we had been starting to plan financially for a family, but we had expected a couple years to finalize our plans. The news of a baby, though a welcomed idea was not the plan. I recall talking with John- worrying, as women do best, that it would take longer to get pregnant. John said, "If it's God's will that you have a baby now, He will make it happen, even despite contraceptive methods." Well, although I believe all babies are gifts from God, we truly feel blessed by the news of this baby. After all, it was just a few short months after John spoke those words. We held out until Christmas to break the news to our families. What better Christmas gift for the future grandparents could there be? In the midst of trying to plan the unveiling, my pesky brother kept calling and snooping into my news. My parents were at his house for Christmas and he overheard the plan to open this special gift on Christmas Eve. His persistence to try to figure out if I was breaking BIG news led us both to a revelation. Turns out that my brother and his wife are also expecting their own bundle of joy later in August!!! What joyous news! So with the coming year, if it's on your heart, please keep John and I, as well as Travis and Pam in your prayers!


Anonymous said...

I'm predicing a little baby girl Cougar since Johnny Boy has been pulling lots of G's lately:-)

Congrats from your favorite chaplain.

Anonymous said...

Aside from "healthy", what are you hoping for?

karebear said...

We are all smiles here! It is making us excited for the next baby. Whenever that is! Miss you love ya
Davis family

Cheyenne and John said...

Well, John's already got me trained to call the baby "him."

Jenny Brooks said...

congrats! we are excited for you! I know what you mean about women "worrying" more. And the words of your husband echo in my head, because I have heard the same sorts of words come out of Rob. After our miscarriage, it still weighs in my head about when it happens again, etc....and I ask Rob about how he feels and he can honestly say that he *never* worries about it. Men. But, it is a blessing that we have them around to balance us, girlies, out.