
Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Dropped Bomb

So I've been talking about changes and one is quite obvious. We're going to have a new body to feed and care for soon. There are a couple others that aren't as obvious.

1. My beloved John is taking a solo vacation to the big sandy beaches of the desert. If you're not sure what I mean, I'm talking about Iraq. He's deploying with the New Jersey Guard to head over there for 2 months.

The Good:
  • Normal deployments for the f16 community over there are twice as long so 2 months seems like a very quick trip.
  • We will be able to communicate while he's over there which is great!
  • He will be flying over there, which is what he loves and feels like he finally get's to put to use all the "practice" he's done.
  • I have always felt that I am happy my husband is a pilot since I feel that it's much safer in the air than on the ground. Couple that with knowing that John is in God's hands, I can rest in God's peace even though there is inherent danger in the assignment.
  • This is an opportunity to grow, both in faith and strength. I always hear of how military wives are a strong breed!! I feel pretty spoiled thus far since John has not had to deploy when so many other families (my brother being one of them) are dealing or have dealt with much higher quantity or quality of deployment.
  • He'll be with some good guys and he'll be doing some great stuff to support and defend our nation!
The Bad:
  • Timing so has it that he won't be present for the birth of our daughter... Guess his up close and personal approach last time seemed to scare him off. So, rest assured, there is NO CHANCE that John will deliver this one.
2. We have a new roommate! Several months ago our friend, Carissa moved here from Missouri to finish an internship for her masters degree. She was staying with her brother and sister-in-law while her brother (a friend of ours in the f16 community) was himself deployed to the desert. When she first moved out here, I made it known that if she needed anywhere else to stay, she was welcome at our home. Well, her brother got back this month and she has moved in with us. Timing couldn't be more perfect, with the whole above news. She not only is a good friend but is so helpful at being that extra set of hands that I long for when John is gone! She's adventurous and fun (amazing rock climber), kinda hippy like me, but somehow organized and neat too. I still don't get how that combo works.. I'm hippy, but I always thought that my disorganization when hand in glove with my laid back outlook ... Maybe there's hope for me after all. Here are some not so recent pics of her from last year, but you get the idea.

I'd prefer not to put dates of John's deployment on my blog, but if you're the praying type maybe you could say a little prayer for us when we cross your mind.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Today is kinda a big deal for both Riley and I. My lil monster is 18months today!! These last 6 months have certainly flown by in comparison to last year at this time (although that time seemed pretty quick too).

Here is my one man team (although not for too much longer since lil sis will be joining him soon).

"I've got a great idea!!! Nice, open field.. nice day- I'm going to play football!!"

"Blue-42.. Hut Hut Hike!"
"Go long!!"
"Running the slant route-- ooh ooh.. I'm open!! I'm open!!"

"...perfecting my best Heisman-- CBS Sports: check me out!!!"

Today I am 30 weeks pregnant.. Only 10 to go (pending the lil girl cooperates)! This time around has gone so much faster- perhaps something to do with the business of chasing an active toddler around! None-the-less, time is flying and I can't wait to see her! There are tons of changes to come but I'll reserve that for another blog in the near future.

Without further adieu, here I am at 30 weeks along.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow Day!!!

It was our squadron's Flagstaff weekend and John and I decided to head up for a day to get our annual dose of fun in the snow! We stayed in a log cabin with our friends, the Unks. While we were there, we did a little snow shoeing and sledding. It's so strange, really. Yesterday we played in the snow and today we're back down in 70 degree weather.

Unky Kids
Enjoying the snow!
Good Friends!

And for the sledding, Riley got to partake in his first real sledding adventure!
Up they go...

Then down they come.. Daddy's having a blast but Riley thinks otherwise.

Maybe he'll like it better if Mommy takes him... .... or not. Sigh. Maybe next year.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Whirlwind Trip

Originally John and I were planning on doing the mission trip to Africa together. But... Life happens like it always does, I got pregnant and was unable to get a vital shot that I needed for the trip so that left me without a plan. John insisted that I make a trip to Ohio while he's gone to keep me busy and enjoying friends and family.

It sure did keep me busy! I learned a number of things.
  1. Pay for the extra seat for your toddler... Sure you can save $200+ bucks but is it really worth your sanity for 4 hours while you are a human jungle gym??
  2. Don't watch your bag go around the carousel and think, "I'll get it when everyone has cleared out." ... Everyone did clear out, and someone must have thought my bag was packed with goodies for them since I never saw it again. (Good thing it was all Riley's stuff which is much easier to replace than mine).
  3. Each day away gets more and more stressful as toddler boy unravels at the seams.. So next time when planning an 11 day trip with you and a toddler, apply this KISS principle... Keep It Short, Stupid!
  4. Instead of paying the extra $50 each way to have my pack n' play, stop at Once Apon a Child and pick up a $25 pack n play then return it when the trip is done- Brilliant!!
  5. Fly Southwest! Because of them I was able to visit as many people as possible and not feel bad when moving my flight home up a few days since it was FREE!!!
  6. Do stop and see great grandparents whenever a chance presents itself.. It's so awesome seeing them interact with your baby!!
  7. Don't forget to drag out the camera for such an action packed trip. You'll regret it if you do forget.

Drive to IL to get Great Grandma Tigger, Uncle Tim and Aunt Rhonda (+ Stacey) some great grand baby time (with my brother + sis in law)

Drive to PA to get other Great Grandma and Uncle some Riley time.

Hung out with Katey and family for a few days!

And surprise visited our old high school basketball coach, McCombs!
Got to hang out with college friends, Krista and Kelly and HS friend Marybeth (different stops). Sorry that I didn't take pictures, but luckily Kel took some of our visit that I could steel!
Got to meet Kelly's adorable little guy, Kai (seriously the smiley-est baby I've ever seen!)