2008 went by in a hurry,
left only with memories- quite a flurry
Travels, visits and camping galore,
Escapades endless, mostly outdoor!
Payson and West Clear Creek,
Off Roading in the Xterra adventures to seek.
A themed bash we organized to celebrate
We and each of our friends picked a land to emulate
One house Mexico, Germany and Italy too
The legacy of our
party’ll be hard to out-do
Good times had by all, I heard many say
As I enjoyed time with my cousin CJ
The 13th of January I embarked on a run
The mile markers passed until 13.1At 12 weeks expecting, my baby and I
Crossed that finish line, a goal satisfied!!!
In January
my parents hit the roadTo Phoenix they came from their Texas abode.
We drove to check out their old house- present day
And got our pick of the Super bowl Soiree.
John’s family came to stay from both near and far
To watch the drag races with some funny car;
Parents, Aunts and Uncles, Cousins too
Alison and Oh ya- can’t forget Matthew
Tracked John through his flight, ‘twas a day at the Base
And decisions were made at a pokey snails pace.
By mid-February the visits did culminate.
I could’ve slept for a full week straight!
Though exhausted we were, rest we did not
And John began planning our desert plot.
backyard was barren - a desolate place.
Transformed it o’er months to what I now embrace!
Up went the wall and
trees soon to trailSprinklers and barbeque island to help with resale!
A March
trip to Utah to visit some friends.
We figured, “Why not?” Free plane tix to spend.
Snowboarding and poker and dinner with chums
Home 3 days late- flying standby was dumb.
John flew to Red Flag around April time
Exploring Alaska on Uncle Sam’s dime.
Then the school year was over, my job is done -
With expecting a baby, my ‘mommy’ job'll be fun.
In June more traveling, on the road we did go
Matthew’s Sniper School grad in San Diego.
Then, I went with my folks
to the Frisco BayTo watch my cousin Gwen be given away!
Next -
to Texas to meet Trav, Pam and the folks!
We cowboy’d it up and ate brisket we smoked
That was our last travel op til Riley’s due date.
Through the month of July all I could do was wait.
So swimming kept me busy,
me and my fleabagAnd sewing -- whipped up a flightsuit diaper bag.
my belly grew I just couldn’t’ wait
To hold my sweet babe, due 8-8-08
As each day passed, in my womb he would stay
But ten days late-
it was finally the day!
At 5:45 on the 18th I woke
To the sound of a “POP” as my water broke.
Two hours passed and the hospital we sought
Never made it!!! Gave birth in a parking lot!
John played the doc and delivered our son.
An ambulance ride to the hospital, I won!
But thriving and well were both Riley and I
What a memorable story, none could deny!
After help from the Mom’s - both
John’s and
mineLeft just us in the house… time to redefine
Our family- for we’re no more parents-to-be
Now it’s John and I plus Baby makes three!
A mother I became and an Aunt the next day
Brenden arrived without further delay.
In October I played in a
Crud TournamentAnd a visit from Kelly was quite the event.
With our Church friends we tried to gather evidence
Up in Pine for a night of mystery and suspense
Halloween murder mystery, the first I’ve done
Played Sardines, and hiked- ‘twas a weekend of fun!
Then, John planned both a
Tanker and
Taxi rideThe thrill of the jet left me dewy-eyed
November came with a “Hip Hip Hurrah!”
Time for Riley to meet his GREAT Grandma’s!Hopped a plane to Pittsburgh as the li’l guy slept,
Arrived at Grammy, Aunt and Uncle’s doorstep.
Turkey comatose wore off and we bid them adieu,.
Packed a rental car for a Cleveland stop through.
Stayed with Katey and family- friends so dear!
To our High School Reunion we went- 10 whole years!
Back into the car, to Illinois we’d cram
John, myself,
two babies and Pam
Through rain and snow John drove it with ease
Once there we sat down for good ol’ Mac and Cheese!
Chatted with cousins not seen in some time -
Many bodies around for the babies to climb.
Finally back to the airport for our flight out
But not before giving Krista Joy a shout!
So now it’s December and I’m sure you can see
This past year for us Wilsons was crazy Busy!
Keep in mind, if we saw you but didn’t comment
It’s not you, it’s just me ‘cause this rhymer’s spent!
So a ‘Merry Christmas to all ‘ I wish from my heart
And with 2009 a new chapter we’ll start.
We pray that this letter finds you in good cheer
And that each day is blessed in the coming new year!